There's something else to it though, the notion of moving towards a fixed point rather into a vast open field of nothingness. December with it's advent offers a break from the endless oceans of time and with presents in the end. Though, wanting is better than having. Once you have, there's no more wanting, no more longing, and very rarely does it even begin to meet your expectations.
When Christmas Eve has already been it's done. Finito. What good were those presents, did you get what you wanted? Is your stomach full and your bank account empty? So really, advent is better, candles and oranges.
No matter how it feels in the middle of March when everything's slush and damp, we're still moving towards a fixed point, the final end, and you can't take all those things with you when you go.
You're not kidding. Expectation is the root of all evil, i'm convinced. <3
My wiseitude is vast and crooked. Muahs to yous! <3
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