I hate rugs
In general rugs are so f-ing ugly. I mean seriously ugly! and also in general can't match their curtains or furniture with this ugly f-ck rug. It's a disgrace. Oh my god I'm boiling even thinking about it.
What's the purpose of rugs anyway? Do they have one? Besides from being ugly I mean. The patters are, once more in general, hideous. I can't stand it.
I've had rugs. Chosen very carefully. One was creme coloured with circular patterns. It was kinda hot. Another one was pink with white dots. It was kinda hot too. I think that a rug should be spiffy enough to hang on the wall as a piece of art. Wish more people would keep that in mind so I wouldn't have to get all torn up by the state of their homes.
I don't have any rugs in the house now. Not even in the bathroom. I don't see the point. I have floors right?
If you feel offended by this, and if you're looking at your rug thinking I'm wrong. By golly, you're ONE OF THOSE, one of those people with no taste. Not my fault. I bet you have ugly shoes too.
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