I read an article, in relation to Christmas about the colour red. But there's more to it.
Red takes a big place in several cultures, and religious cermonies, such as weddings, baptisms and funerals. In the Chinese culture (don't worry, I'll get to the Volvo stuff eventually) red means prosperity and happiness while India holds it to be happiness, life, energy and creativity.
Naturally Christianity is more bleak and it's a symbol for shame and guilt, even wrath, one of the capital vices. Is there really a conflict between happiness, life, energy, creativity and wrath? Isn't anger a kind of energy, regardless? Don't we sometimes need to get angry to push forward and actually get to those better places where we can be happy?
A sidenote: Kent's new album holds the title Röd - Red. How much more can it get? Red is here. Even though Christmas is fading for this time.
But first, and foremost red is the colour of love symbolizing passion, desire, sensuality and life. Just look at the expression "red light district". Or the 12 red roses as part of seduction. The metaphor might be platitudinarian, but the message couldn't be more clear "I love you, I want you".
The colour red is deceitful, however. You can't trust a colour that both symbolizes love and hate, capitalism (look at the red FOR SALE signs) and communism. It's the colour of socialism, as well as the colour of the American republican party.
The colour red is seductive and deceptful, is that why we love it, for it's temperament?
I think we just love the confusion. When do people actually say what they mean these days? Well, they don't. So, thats why red is so great. They can change their idea of the meaning of red at any given moment or change in mood. So, Molly...today I feel red. And i expect you to know exactly how i feel. :D
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