Cats, not because they shed, poop or whine, but because they're lovable creatures
Chocolate, not because it's fattening and kind of bad for you, but because it's delicious and kind of bad for you.
Naps, not because they're really a waste of time, but because they bring you more vivid dreams as you get less deep sleep and you remember your dreams better.
Cartoons, not because they're childish and colourful, alright it' is because they're childish and colourful.
A clean house, not because it means you have to clean, but because you deserve to live in a castle.
Sappy songs, not because they make you cry, but because they remind you that it's possible to feel and that other people feel too.
Failing, not because it makes you feel like a loser, but because it gives you a chance to find another way.
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