But at times it seems that not all internet users have brain, and if they do it's simply a wicked ones. Like the bullies that'd push you off the swing at the playground just because they could, people come online, seemly for the only reason to be mean and, as I understand it, take out frustrations. They're everywhere, take a moment to read comments on YouTube for instance. How many of those are actually relevant to the video posted?
People register on cat forums just to post about how they love to torture cats, they come in chatrooms for the only reason to call some people whores and others retards. I ask you, what is the point? What is it about the Internet arena that opens up for the assholish behaviour we don't accept anywhere else? And what is the point of being a troll?
It probably says more about the trolls' offline life than they'd like to know. I see pitiful people who lack power and the only way they can feel better about themselves is in pixeled insults. I'm a bit jaded by now, I have a built in application in that brain I mentioned before, I've learned to simply overlook it most of the time. But what about those who haven't been coming online since the mid 1990's, that are just now getting to know the technology, what kind of impression do they get? Is the social aspects of the Internet really worth the hassle of trolls, bots and spammers? There's so much to sift through to find the good bits.
Even nicer people must sometimes have a harsher tone than they intended simply because being sweet doesn't pay off. It's a hard arena with very spiky and sharp corners. Take great care of yourself in this adventure we call the Internet.
Well, Molly, I can say, having only been online for 11 months, that it is a scary playing field. If you thought people could trick you in real life, thats nothing compared to what they can do when you are not actually a real person to them, just a screen name. This past 11 months have been the worst of my life, and my time online has been frought with frustrations, drama, lies, deceit and regret.
On the other hand, as I mentioned, this has been the worst year of my life. I have met you, and a few other people who have kind hearts and have been here at any and every hour to help me through what i was going through, to let me vent, to distract me, to hang out with me, laugh with and have a glass of wine with. In that respect, all the other bullshit is worth it when you find people you can truly care for and who care for you back. Thats my impression. Thats my experience. And it doesn't take too long to learn the trolls, especially when your friends already know who they are! lol :D
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