On TV I watched shows like the one where a boy kepts losing his toy mole and it almost finding death, a grown man with a beard telling stories to dolls in his bed, about toys that were malfactured and broken, this was all spiced up with children dressed in red shirts singing the aforementioned songs.
I wouldn't be the nerd I am without mentioning the books I read, it was one about Alfons Åberg and his imaginary friend. It totally freaked me out, as I had a hard enough time seperating dreams from reality as it was. Then it was Ronja Rövardotter, about the daughter of a robber that lived in the woods. Hm, what else, there was one called Mio min Mio about a boy that died and went to different stages of lands of sagas, signifying different levels of death.
In a way, it's a wonder that my whole generation isn't insane.
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