It hasn't even been one hundred years since women got the right to vote. It's ridiculous! It's been even less time since it became normal for a child to have two working parents. Why must every generation carry burdens from the one prior? The only way we're going to be able to move forward is to forgive the wrong doings of the past and look towards a brighter future.
I've never been a housewife myself so why should I feel more sympathetic of the housewives of history than the well educated men? Why should I have more in common with anyone because of my gender, age or nationality? I can recognize that perhaps there are some touching bases but I don't want it to boil down to those labels.
How many more years do we have to wait before we stop saying "female president", "female popstar", "female scientist", "female football player", and how much longer before women themselves realize they're so much more than their bodies and the lust they awaken? That's the other side of it, letting go of the urges and be civilized people, down to our fingertips. Don't become an object, don't objectify, don't label and please, please, please don't you dare ever say "I don't know, I'm just a girl".
I'm not asking women to become men, nor am I asking men to become women, what I want for all of us is to become people. No more and no less. That should be enough. We should be our accomplishments if anything, if we feel the need to build onto our persona.
Feminism should be working towards non-existance, when we don't need the word for it anymore it'll be an equal world and you know what, I don't think that'll ever happen. But what we can do is stop telling sexists jokes or stop using the "female" prefix in everything we say. Stop the stereotypical and automatic labeling. But then again, it's easy to be lazy, and it's easy to misunderstand.
Surely we don't live in Utopia, not all countries are granted with freedom of speech, religion or democracy, I wish all these issues were resolved. Power is a drug.
Are you ready to let go of being a victim of opression and start being the blacksmith of your own happiness? That means no more saying "in history my people were mariganized" no matter your religion, gender, or nationality. Just imagine the wonders it'd do for world peace! I ask you again, are you ready?
I just wish we lived in the post feministic era.
I agree that we will probably never reach an era where women are accepted as complete equals. As long as there is bad behavior and excuses accepted to allow others to turn aside and pretend not to notice, there will be inequities. People are natural opportunists. They will always be quick to point out the weaknesses of another. Men have several advantages that make them more financially secure to employ. They do not get pregnant, which may or may not interfere with the appearance your employer wishes to portray. Women often need bedrest at the end of pregnancy or at anytime during. And then there's maternity leave. And not for nothing, women often become the single partents who have to worry about daycare and going home for sick children. That is a lot of days of paid leave with minimal productivity. And for the most part, are undeniable truths. Here, in the US, men still make more for doing the same job, I have seen it myself, having been in a management position and privy to that kind of information. Men are sought after in my field. They are perceived as more dependable, and it is a great injustice for those of us who put a great deal of effort into balancing our home lives and making ourselves indespensible at work.
To play devil's advocate, i'd also have to add...Here in the US, it seems that we are building a society of people who have absolutely no accountability. They are always the victim and never to blame. Many people feel they are entitled to have things handed to them simply because they exist and simply because they do not want to work for what they want. With two parents working (and i know this is an unfortunate necessity) children are brought up by teachers who may or may not be good, may or may not be kind, may or may not be abusive, may or may not be over-worked or over stressed. This is the downside to the feminist movement. No one is home. There is less family time available. Less time to unwind at the end of every day and learn about eachother's lives. With all of these losses to each child, they are losing their ability to feel secure and in short, thier ability to cope with life. Less supervision increases likelihood of bad choices, AIDS, drugs, drinking, smoking, violence...Crap, i'm sorry...i should just write my own damn blog...excellent topic Molly. I'm sure we'll debate this weekend lol :)
yes, yes, miss mointuss, but what about the poor, old geordies!
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