Must it be with your eyes that you look and judge? Or is the judgement already done when you finally see? It's impossible to see everything that actually come within the visual field so we have to sort it, and it's impossible to remember everything that we see. We must make quick judgements to see if it's important to remember, and in doing so we catagorize what we see, hear and experiance. We don't remember actual events, we remember how it felt. Having been in a crowd we don't remember all the faces we saw, we remember the impact the mass had on our bodies, the scents of perfume, sweat, beer and dirt.
We place judgement and labels by the clothes people wear, the music they listen to, the books they read, the pets they keep, the job they have, but that doesn't make a person. It makes attributes to a person. I enjoy Spongebob as much as I do Jorge Luis Borges, not with the same part of my brain. We musn't identify ourselves with the outer things in life but view them as additions that we can take bits and pieces from to our mosaic personalities.
Don't grow up as much as you grow wiser. You don't have to give parts of yourself up to fit something new, there'll always be enough room as long as you don't let yourself be limited by the visual field.
We place judgement and labels by the clothes people wear, the music they listen to, the books they read, the pets they keep, the job they have, but that doesn't make a person. It makes attributes to a person. I enjoy Spongebob as much as I do Jorge Luis Borges, not with the same part of my brain. We musn't identify ourselves with the outer things in life but view them as additions that we can take bits and pieces from to our mosaic personalities.
Don't grow up as much as you grow wiser. You don't have to give parts of yourself up to fit something new, there'll always be enough room as long as you don't let yourself be limited by the visual field.
Beautifully stated. And I still have to find the spongebob sandcastle episode for you. :D
Love that pic of milo!
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