In a way those who have more in common than we think. They both break in where they aren't necessarily welcome and they take things with them that weren't intended for their eyes and hands, hiding from the world, sin and shame.
I've never seen a bird fly so high it didn't have to come down either, so the best in all things is to not lose one's head, no matter how tempting it seems. So in all sincerity what the world as a whole really needs is a big revolution to give us a kick to move forward, a mental revolution, if you will, to get us out of our own heads and open us up to a new beginning.
The swine flu failed my hopes of being that factor to overthrow all known reason and toss us into a new era, it's not the new black death, no new cholera, no new AIDS. No wars were started to get the vaccine. I'm disapointed.
So when God closed that door to my hopes I must get a chain saw and cut open a new hole so I can breathe, and fly, but not so high I forget what the ground feels like beneath my feet.
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