
Jul 27, 2010

God isn't real.

I accidently proved that God doesn't exist by using math the other day. If good gives +1 point and punishing/judging gives -1 point and God is both good and punishing/judging the calculation goes +1-1=0. Zero is nothing. There is no God.


Daisy Jay said...

Sounds like God may have made everything balance out. Maybe that was his master plan, you know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Equal and Opposite?

Molly said...

That's still assuming there is a god. If we were to look it objectively, without cultural and historical implications, how reasonable does it sound that a force we can't see, touch, smell, hear or even picture control anything at all? Also, the mere idea that divinity is a force to reckon with is ludicrous in the sense that it can't be scientifically proven. The dead don't come back to life, water is bound by gravity. Those things are fairly evident. What HAS been proven is that there's a centra in the brain which allows us to react in a way that makes us think we've had a religious experiance. This area can me more or less active in specific individuals, meaning some people are more prone to feel they've had one of these experiances, but all it really is is the mind playing tricks. As you can tell, I was born basically without an active religion area in my brain. This center is stimulated by hunger, sleep deprivation, pain and repetition, all things associated with religious rituals. It's no coincidence that these rituals look the way they do, they're simply a shortcut to this area reacting to stimulus.

If religion had been invented in 2010 whoever the inventor had been it would have been considered a Tom Cruise. It'll surely take another millennium or two before we shake it, but I fully and honestly believe we will, it kind of ties in with my full belief in world peace.

I can see why some people have a need for a god. But this need has nothing to do with the existance of one. Humans invent what they need, may it be philosophical or industrial.

Daisy Jay said...

Humans invent things to justify or explain away things they can't justify or explain. And i think religion has it all wrong. What i can't expalain any other way is HOW the Earth got here and HOW it was perfect until we destroyed it. A perfectly balanced ecosystem, a perfectly balanced food chain (before we ruined it) and the cure to all ailments (until we ruined that too) These things i can not explain so must rely on thinking that some greater power created it. The religion people create? yeah, i'm all set with that. Most of it makes no sense at all.

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