This picture was chosen because it's so crappy and that in itself is great enough.
I am the most marvellous, entertaining, witty and clever boring person you'll ever meet. I have a huge ego and the personality, taste, intelligence and compassion to back it up. I love analysing things. I don't always know whether or not to use American or British spelling due to using both versions, having been taught one and learned the other by proxy. I lovelovelovelove cats, especially my own. I believe in the good of mankind and I hope for world peace as well as try to base my decisions for (yes, I ment "for" not "in") life on how to find peace of mind. Peaceful people create peace and we should all work towards that. I spend oodles of time in front of the computer. I listen to music for at least 10 hours a day. I often sing the songs I'm listening to. I sing when I clean. I sing in the shower, but only sometimes. My insecurites are superficial and trouble me in double as I hate being shallow. I'm originally from a suburb south of Stockholm but I've lived here and there on two different continents. My Swedish accent is rather neutral but I tend to speak too fast and use words randomly. My biggest fear is whales, my second biggest fear is the dark, both in a physical and philosophical sense. I never have any money but I seem to always get by. My best friend always tells me I'm too nice and let people take advantage of me when I love them. (She said this right before she asked me if she could borrow my copy of Pan's labyrinth, which, of course I let her.) I love playing games. Everything's a game. I make up complicated rules and end up breaking them all in order to be able to continue playing. If you want to know what I'm doing you should probably ask what I'm playing. I was first published at 18. I had achieved all my goals in life by the time I was 22. I love cartoons, especially Timmy time, Spongebob and Fifi and the flowertots. I love documentaries, both on TV and the radio. I love crime shows too, like Midsomer Murders and Lynley. I'm not keen on dogs, but dogs like me. I love swinging in the park. I believe in justice for all. Justice is a man made concept but I think we have evolved past the stone age. I'm a pacifist and in part an existentialist. I do not believe in God. I cannot believe in God. I believe in my own theory of atoms (something I'm sure I'll get back to, eventually). I have never touched a gun. I prefer being cold to being hot. My favorite flower is daisy and my favorite colour is red. I dislike living in clutter. I once sold my father's car. I love airports. I daydream an awful lot. My nightdreams are extremly vivid and entertaining. I have curly hair but straighten it. I remember the most random things. I believe that everything is art. I'm shorter than my mother. I have an imaginary friend named Ellen. We also have an airguitarband. Ellen sings. I find people amusing, sometimes for the wrong reasons. My favorite season is autumn. I like simple foods and bakery goods. I'm not much of a cook. If I feel I'm getting enough back I'll give more than I have to give. My favorite jokes include tomatoes and mushrooms. I squee a lot. My university experiance includes subjects like world history, cultural theory, comparative literature and critical writing. I don't believe in conventional careers. Before I could write I drew stories. If you have a problem I will find you both an explaination and a solution, but I'm not always as great at doing that for myself. I'm very polite. I'm not very good at parking or going in reverse. I have three siblings but have only spoken to one of them in the past 10 years. I love unicorns. I don't trust easily. I sometimes wonder what'd happen if all the banana peels were filled with fish. I love the forest. Creativity, intelligence, understanding and patience wins me over. Molly isn't my real first name. Molntuss isn't my real last name. I've made a decision to be more open. I believe in taking things one step at a time. Thank you.
I just adore you. Great post. I've never wondered about banana peels being filled with fish. i imagine that would smell quite a bit, but i knew mostly the rest of that about you and i'm glad, cuz knowing you is one of my favorite things. :)
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