Another aspect of oneself in relation to other people is that we're all selfish. There's no getting around it. We do what makes us feel good. We simply do not do things we get nothing out of, not even self punishment. Why does the anorexic starve herself? Because hungerpains are better than the anxiety of eating. Why does the runner run until he's sick? Because giving it all that you've got is a great feeling. It's fairly simple, really. As complicated as people are, we're not really as complex as we think, nor as special in the sense that we have new things to offer every person we come across. We love the same way which is why we say similar things. Again, it doesn't make me a liar if I tell more than one person how I enjoy that particular touch. I'm selfish. I want what makes me feel good.
Admitting to be selfish is a relief, as then you know what to expect from others as well. You make them feel good and they want you around. If you don't, well then rejection is on the horizon. Naturally there are more things to take into consideration, it can also be a nice feeling to think "I knew it" once that rejection comes. Being right feels good as well.
I suppose the cynical part of it is to remain level headed. There are very few people we can expect everything from. Noone's perfect and everyone will in some detail fail us, but as usual, if the positive bits outweigh that it shouldn't even be an issue. We have to look at everything realistically, we owe it to ourselves to do so, as after all we're the one that matters to ourselves the most.
Does this make me emotionally stunted? I don't think so. I think it makes me honest and easy to deal with. People are a bit like bank accounts, while they keep making deposits of positive they're good to have around, and if they have over time made a lot of positive deposits they can make bigger withdrawls at their lower points in life, it's up to you to decide how much they can though, as you're the director of that bank. But at the same time you have to make sure you are the type of bank others want to open accounts in. It goes hand in hand with trust, trust is earned, not bought. This is where the parts about other partners come in. No matter what kind of relationship you have there will always be potential others, for both of you. There's really nothing you can do about that apart from being and remaining the better option. If you're left behind it should be for someone greater than you. See it as inspiration to becoming even greater than you already are and know that your next partner should match that. If you're left behind for someone lesser than you, well then your partner didn't deserve you in the first place.
To put it plainly. Be the master of your own world.
Very well stated. I will now write a blog as well so i can put down my thoughts and make everyone nauseous per usual :)
BTW...excellent opening paragraph! Wow!
excellence inspired by excellence ... hahaha WE RULE
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