Breakfast is the most important meal.
Well, I kind of suppose it is. But what's more interesting is looking at beginnings. They're fascinating. Is there a way of telling how things will progress by how they start? For instance, if you have more energy and feel better when you go into the day full of muesli and herbal tea does that mean that you will succeed with anything if you have proper preparations? Let me advice you as to what to do. Sit up, stretch your back, put one foot down on the floor at a time. Rinse the glasses before you put them in the dishwasher. Wait by the mailbox. Never run low on gas, you might have to take a long trip. Best is to be prepared. Maybe so. I still like to be suprised. Hunger doesn't suprise me. An occasional urge to devour pleases me in a suprising way.
That's bad for you.
I know, but I love it.
I know, but I love it.
Always listening to music wearing headphones is bad for your hearing.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? At times we find ourselves in situations where the only logical response could possibly be "What the hell?". Go for it! Enjoy it. I promise you didn't get there because you're a little on the deaf side, you got there due to interesting choices and you now have the chance to make the most of it. Doing so with music makes it even better. A bonus is that it drowns out all those things you don't really want to hear, hence the headphones are glued to my head, they always have been. (Amazing that I've heard her say anything at all.)
It's important to be regular.
Not as important as being kind and consistent.
I need you to listen to me now, daughter of mine.
I need you to hear me. We all have a need to be heard. You shouldn't take advantage of the respect you're given by those who care by forcing them to listen to you. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason and that is that we should listen twice as much as we speak. There's also a difference between hearing something and actually listening to it. Don't be fooled by fake attention and don't be seduced by those who pay you mind for their own benefit.
You look like a turk. You look like your dad. You look like me. You look like the both of us. You look like neither of us.
A lot of things are bigger than the sum of their parts. As time goes by new things are added to a person, event or phenomenon. You should be grateful to be allowed to see the marvel of it.
Men are not to be trusted.
"The only way you can make a man trustworthy is to trust him and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust" - In active service in peace and war by Henry L. Stinson. I generally don't like expressing myself with quotes, but there are two truths laying just beneath the surface here, the first one being that everything that could possibly be said has already been said. The second one is that every person must learn their own lessons. Advice is nice. Support when you're learning those lessons by your own heart is better.
I wish she had said I would like more people to be like you, you're perfect the way you are.
Molly, I would like more people to be like you, you're perfect the way you are.
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