- Bloggers who are passive aggressive and tries to provoke a reaction in someone else by tossing around their "point of view" and commonly ending it with "you know who you are".
- Self pitying blogposts. Boohoo, poor little you. I don't want to read about your misery. I have my own. Boohoo, poor little me.
- Bloggers that consistently use abbreviations of names of the people in their lives, such as being married to "K", having a best friend called "P" and two children named "R" and "T". You're probably on to something there, if you don't want to write their full names, due to respect, or privacy or whatever, you probably shouldn't be writing about them at all. Hm, can we agree on that? K, thanks.
- Blogs with musical backgrounds. How bloody annoying is that? My goodness. I much prefer to choose my own music and not have my ears blasted out by some jingle that really belongs on a cellphone from 1998.
- Pictures-of-yourself-blogs. Heh, sorry, I don't really want to see pictures of you doing all kinds of things that shouldn't be shown in public. Will someome please think of the children?! Even worse in this category is pictures of the plates of food before dinner. Why even blog about what you eat? Or wear for that matter. I should print some "Oh dear, I don't care" stickers and hand out.
- The fact that I read these blogs annoys me.
- The add on favors. You know what they are. You agree to pick something up at the store, or give someone a lift, and it turns into, a "oh while you're at it, would you please paint my house, massage my back, kiss my ass, make me dinner, solve all of life's mysteries, dye your hair so you're more attractive, take the dogs out and fill my car up with gas?"
- The fact that I let people add favors on to favors I'm already doing them.
- The fact that I add favors myself.
- 80's and 90's sitcoms and sitcoms with a middle aged men with narcessistic complex issues as the main character. It's simply not funny. Not funny. Well, it's kind of funny when they fall down and/or get kicked in the balls, I just wish they weren't faking it.
- Timing. It annoys me how I always manage to be either too early or too late, never just on time. Like right now. I started writing this because it was just a bit too long before I had to get going so I decided to start a post. Now I've spent way too much time looking up that picture up there that doesn't fully illustrate my point anyway, and typing random stuff that won't improve anyone's life at all, but I have to finish, so I'll be late. Seriously, it really is annoying.
- All my friends going places and I'm stuck doing the same thing.
- When people generalize.
- When I generalize.
- Pointless status updates on Facebook. Same goes there as for the blogs. I don't really care about what you ate for dinner, or will eat for dinner, or that you need to tinkle.
- The endless Farmville and Zoopark or whatever updates on Facebook in my status scroll.
- The amount of documentaries I manage to catch on TV every week.
Due to that whole being late stuff, I have to stop. It also annoys me that I have to go, I had so much more to complain about!
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