So, let me get this right; it's April. Again. I suppose it's time to put the turtlenecks and coats away. The suede shoes and scarves and hats, my mittens and the knitted socks. Open up the blinds and tilt my head so that they rays of the sun can catch my ill-looking white skin. I'll get a facial, a wax and a new dress. I'll walk on my tippy toes skipping by the puddles swinging my bag. Put everything else aside and feel the weight of my earrings when I flip my flowing hair over my shoulder.
Does anyone believe me? Good. Wouldn't want you to be suckers.
Why change myself when the season does? Is it September yet? I wish you a happy April fools day.
Does anyone believe me? Good. Wouldn't want you to be suckers.
Why change myself when the season does? Is it September yet? I wish you a happy April fools day.
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