Early in his days, days that started in summer of 2003 he got a white fluffy ball to play with. He loved it so dearly, wholeheartedly, it was always his favorite toy. Time passed, he continued playing, with all sorts of things. Twist ties, milk caps, strings, sticks, an occational sock, all while he was so utterly adored he got to follow to another country.
His people bought him a house where tiny things like a white fluffy ball is easily lost, so occationally he lost it. At other times it was stolen away from him, cleaned and left to dry on a radiator. "No, Knit, it's so nasty, let me clean it" she used to say, that person that insists on picking him up and kiss him until he can't breathe and he has to fight his way out of her grip.
Somewhere down the line he also got a baby brother. A Milo. The Milo is a messy cat and plays even more than the Knit. They wrestle and tumble and share all sorts of things, including that white fluffy ball. If the Knit could have had it fully his way he wouldn't have shared it at all, but the Milo can be so sickly cute and tricks the Knit into sharing his toys. Plus the praise he gets for sharing is wonderful. The cat's human is big on things being fair, even if she doesn't have to share much herself, just the bed, the floor, the bathtub, the tables, the counter and chairs. Oh, the food as well. The Knit's reasoning is that she shares this with humans anyway, so sharing with a cat is no chore at all.
The Knit didn't care how dirty his little white fluffy ball was, it was always so great to rub all over his black shiny face. He still doesn't care. It's on days like today when the white fluffy ball has resurfaced after a while lost he remembers why it's his favorite toy and why it's so great to have a baby brother Milo to admire him in his playful lovetossing of a white fluffy ball from his own baby days.
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