
Oct 3, 2009

A tidy home makes for a tidy mind?

Sometimes I wonder about connections. At times I see these hyper made up people, but still with some kind of natural charm and I wonder what their homes look like, are they as tidy as the people who live there? Are their bankaccounts tidy? Their binges at the brink of being perfect? Simply does the perfection extend to all areas of life?

I clean mostly when I'm about to have people over and yes, I do tend to fix other stuff about myself at those times, even though it might have more to do with the company. Not so that I don't clean unless I'm having company, but I do the silly stuff, like wipe the floorboards with a rag. I can't be the only person that only dusts on top of doors when I'm about to be judged.

In privacy in usually just wear what's comfortable, although I tend to always straighten my hair. I hate when it's curly, I look like a troll! Maybe the straight hair means I empty the dishwasher? Perhaps I should leave it curly and see if the dishes pile up.

Then there's the question of shopping. Do these supertidy people only buy just what they need or do they have freezers full of food they'll never eat too? Do they always buy toilet paper with little patterns on? Do they remember to put the roll on the holder or do they leave it on the sink?

And first and foremost, what are these people hiding? If they seem perfect they surely must hold a deep dark secret, or just something so plain boring as germofobia. Suddenly they don't seem that interesting at all. I can see statues at the museum and I can google pics of perfect homes, while I'm the only one with occationally uneven eyebrows and a couch that seems to walk away from the wall without any help at all.


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