It can be an amazing trip to be invited into the head of someone else, so many write about fun, interesting and mindboggling things. At times I think the only reason I blog myself is so that I can feel that my writing isn't good enough for much of at, but then I come across the ones that make me giggle. Maybe not always the contents, well, yeah, often the content, and the picture it forms in my head of the writers.
Concider this (one) my bitch post(s). There are two bloggers that I'm thinking about especially. I can't say that I really know them, nor do I have a personal relationship with them, so what I'm basing my currect knowledge about them on is their blogs. They do however have a few things in common.
A) They can't spell.
B) They can't punctuate.
C) They badmouth people in their lives.
D) Everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault.
E) They're either completely out of money or have lots of it and buy, what I would concider to be, unnessecary things.
F) They have bad taste in music.
E) Their English is pitiful.
G) They both bred at an early age
H) They are in complicated relationships.
They've become my real life soap opera! There's always some kind of disaster, and the bad typing, spelling and grammar just makes it one big joke.
What I'm wondering about though, is if they realize just how foolish it looks to some. I know what they wear, eat, think about, watch on tv and how their relationships are doing. Perhaps some things are best kept private, or perhaps it's just a sign that these people have nothing else going on in their heads apart from themselves. I won't even start about the pictures posted...
I shouldn't judge, I'm really no better myself, but at the same time I know that anger fades and there's no point in blurting out things you'll regret later, not only about other people, but about yourself as well. Just because noone's looking at you when you're confessing doesn't mean noone hears you.
Oct 15, 2009
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