It might seem antisocial to stare at a screen. But it's not. Not in the same way it is to put earbuds in and drown out the world (If anyone feels like buying me those ladybug earbuds, concider this your invitation to do so.) We're just getting more used to what the screen has to offer. I might even say that for once things are catching up with me as I've been doing it for a long time. In my teens I was begged to go offline, so I don't lose touch with reality. What reality? So I can spend time with my real friends. What real friends? Even if I'm worlds apart from some of them I still concider them my friends. What's the reasoning, if you're more than X amount of miles apart you can't be friends? Either way, that's not really worth discussing. Your friends are the ones you hold close to heart and enjoy talking to.
I'd just like to take a moment to raise a toast to the Internet today, for bringing me so many enjoyable things. I'll nod to Spotify especially and I will exemplify what brought this to mind this morning. I was talking to a friend about cats. Yes cats. I needed to illustrate a toy, so I simply used my phone to make a video, uploaded said video to YouTube and give my friend the link through an instant messenger program. All within 5 minutes of having started a textual conversation about it.
So at all those times you worry about the development into something superficial, where looks matter more than ever, keep in mind there is a place where you don't have much other than words. An occational picture, a few links, a couple of lols and being told how great you are even when you're wearing your reading glasses and unmatched socks. You're obviously there already if you're reading this.
All the downsides of the Internet are here. That's true, but it doesn't differ too much from that real world I was supposed to spend more time in as a teenager. People are people no matter where they go. There will be mean ones, shallow ones, stupid ones, pitiful ones. I suppose the difference is that you can't really tell your semi-bully of a coworker s/he's being a troll. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; The sky is full of stars, your bed is full of roses and the Internet's full of troll. Take care of yourself and enjoy it.
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