In the backwaters of the list of the richest people in the world. Good for them. Hopefully they earned it, deserve it. Hopefully all of us deserve what we have. I'd really like to read more from riches to rags stories, without any idealistic background, or political ones for that matter. Why is it that money is the only receipt for success? Why is it that beauty is the sure tell sign of happiness? At times it feels like I'm fighting an endless battle with every new person I meet, where I find myself in a situation where I have to defend harder to measure indicators.
Lists are practical ways to measure successful people, and people are easy to measure ourselves against, but does the comparison really say anything at all? Of course they don't.
i agree. of course they don't. the rich believe they are a success. well, i'd be a success too if i had my life handed to me on a silver platter. What do i consider success? Few regrets. People who love me. Good friends. healthy children. Happiness. I'm sure there are more things that make a person successful, but i can't think of any at the moment.
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