Det uppenbara kring problematiken är att vi har två öron och en mun av en anledning; en konversation bör bestå av två delar lyssna och en del tala, trots detta befinner jag mig allt som oftast på en mental plats där jag inte lyssnar alls. Tack för det, för om jag lyssnade så mycket som jag borde skulle jag särkerligen bli så fylld av nonsens att det viktiga inte fick plats. Det räcker så. Ja, resten får vara osagt.
I agree whole heartedly. Listening to other people is in itself a curse and a blessing. a curse, because so few actually say kind words and a blessing because when you meet someone who does, the words are beautiful. mostly what ppl say is nonsense especially when people jump to conclusions or take things out of context. I'm thankful to you and those of you who take the time to listen to my nonsense. LOL Hopefully i'll have more useful things to say when i get my head back where its supposed to be. If I don't, college will be laughable and i'd do better not to open my mouth at all! Haha!
I think your head is exactly where it needs to be, and college will be a breeze, you'll find new ways to think about the same things, you'll grow and feel like all the things you've done so far were leading you up to that point <3
I hope so. Thank you, Love. I hope the feeling is the same for you. YOU are going to be even more amazing then you already are. <3
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