I can't even call it selfishness, when it's more self fascination. It's almost as if we should be suprised about the results of them, some stranger composing them, like an all mighty god telling us who we are, identifying our cores based on what colours we like, which music we listen to, what TV shows we watch and so on and so forth. As if everyone cares so much about us that they know us better than we could ever know ourselves. A camera sweeping over my face as my eyes sparkle in the special on TV about my wonderful life, all the grand things I've done and how I changed the world. Or when I accept my award, my gorgeous dress the flashes going off to capture a bit of me, the audicene applauding until the palms of their hands turn red. All good daydreams, and the Internet makes it possible.
Thing is, and this is something I've brought up before, when everyone's special, noone's special. Also, and again subject of an older blog post, with all the possibilities of the Internet, in all the ways we could become wiser we focus on the topic we love the most - ourselves. From time to time I do a Google image search with "self portrait" and giggle at the results. This, my friends, is how we want the world to remember us, as quirky different people, an ocean of individuals all trying to peak and be better, prettier, sexier, witter and more googleable. What you need to remember is that when everyone's selfish, noone cares about you either.
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