I really don't need to go into detail here do I?
I love icecream. I love cookies. I love candy. I love cucumber. I love kladdkaka. I love raspberry pie. If this isn't gluttony I don't know what is. Although, I'm not too keen on steak, sushi, white rice, pastrami, sauces, vinegar, potato chips nor salmon. I often leave food in my plate, there I got the wasteful part in. And I once fall down the stairs next to Santa Maria cathedral in Visby due to drinking too much. But maybe it was just the stairs. But there was a cathedral. Come on, it has to be a sin!

The act of apathy. I'm pretty much the poster child for apathy. I spend a lot of time doing nothing. If it rots my soul? Well. I tend to feel more of a rotten mood when I don't get a change to lounge and catch my thoughts. Ohohoh! I read about that mystical creature in Peru too. Turns out it's just a naked sloth. How disapointing. No new spieces there either. Maybe it's you that's lazy God. I mean seriously, when did you last create something? New babies of the same kind don't count, you already had the recepie for those.
Anger. Hm, I get angry about a lot of things. Injustice mainly, and standing in line. And when poor baby animals are in pain. And stupidity. Yes, stupidity and ignorance infuriates me. And reruns of bad sit coms!
I'm trying to think about the last time I got jealous, or envious. Well it wasn't exactly fair when Sweden didn't win Eurovision song contest. But I don't really envy the norweigians. That'd just be silly. I do get jealous of those who don't get migranes though. Very much so!
I'm very proud. I'm proud over how wellbehaved my cats are, how fast I can catch on to stuff, the way I manage with little and I do have a love-hate relationship with my hair. Some days I'm very much proud of it, other days not so. If I see myself as better as some people, though? Well, honestly I think that sometimes on my better days I tend to control my temper (damn, this didn't go with the stuff about the wrath!) than some others. I also think it's important to feel proud of who you are, but not at the cost of your respect of others.
It's not possible to be forgiven for your capital vices, is it, not if you're Catholic. Wait a minute. I'm not Catholic! I'm an agnostic Lutheran. Oh man, did I write all this in vain? Hardly. No thoughtprocess is ever wasted.
I want the details on lust!
Hey now, I have no obligation to write about what people actually want to read!
i have the skull candy earphones in pink! they sound delightful!
and yes, do please, elaborate on the lust...*fixes shirt and waits*
Babs alla Baboonsterella
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