Ok, this is what happened, a helicopter was used in a robbery. Now I know that. When I read the headline I figured a helicopter had been robbed and I thought to myself "AWESOME! They must have been some real acrobats!"
Why is it so difficult to put a sufficient headline? Here http://www.expressen.se/, as a thank you for me stealing your crappy picture I will help you set a less crappy headline, how about The ultimate FLIGHT plan, The highest catch, or how about Robbers got away in a helictopter?
Anyway, this is all actiony and stuff as they blew up the police helicopter that was supposed to follow them. It's like Oceans 11! How many people fit in a helicopter anyway? 5 or 6? Still Oceans 6 is pretty catchy. Then it's the whole planning bit, did they rent the helicopter? Or buy it? Or steal it? How hard is it to get a hold of a helicopter in tiny Sweden? Maybe the flew in from another country! Incredible.
It wasn't particularily nice to do something illegal like blowing up the police (eek and yay I can't help but squeek) and stealing other peoples hard earned money (no trip to Thailand now huh, mr Svensson) but still, I do admire the creativity. Hell yeah!
Why is it so difficult to put a sufficient headline? Here http://www.expressen.se/, as a thank you for me stealing your crappy picture I will help you set a less crappy headline, how about The ultimate FLIGHT plan, The highest catch, or how about Robbers got away in a helictopter?
Anyway, this is all actiony and stuff as they blew up the police helicopter that was supposed to follow them. It's like Oceans 11! How many people fit in a helicopter anyway? 5 or 6? Still Oceans 6 is pretty catchy. Then it's the whole planning bit, did they rent the helicopter? Or buy it? Or steal it? How hard is it to get a hold of a helicopter in tiny Sweden? Maybe the flew in from another country! Incredible.
It wasn't particularily nice to do something illegal like blowing up the police (eek and yay I can't help but squeek) and stealing other peoples hard earned money (no trip to Thailand now huh, mr Svensson) but still, I do admire the creativity. Hell yeah!
I will provide you with a link in English http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/23/swedish-cash-depot-helicopter-raid
And furthermore, I read the know-it-alls-talk-about-it-all articles today and they're completely bumming me out. COME ON Lasse Wierup why can't the Swedes be the bad guys for once? Why would the pilot have to be recruited from abroad? Are you a sneak racist? Do you dislike them there foreigners? (Reference http://www.dn.se/sthlm/ranet-kostade-pengar-att-genomfora-1.959151) And yeah, I kind of figured it took some money to do this. Who knows, maybe it's some bored rich foreigners that wanted to see if they could do it? You'd like that Lasse, wouldn't you? If you find them, would you please let them know that they can donate some dinero to my paypal account because I really want to splurge on ebay.
And furthermore, I read the know-it-alls-talk-about-it-all articles today and they're completely bumming me out. COME ON Lasse Wierup why can't the Swedes be the bad guys for once? Why would the pilot have to be recruited from abroad? Are you a sneak racist? Do you dislike them there foreigners? (Reference http://www.dn.se/sthlm/ranet-kostade-pengar-att-genomfora-1.959151) And yeah, I kind of figured it took some money to do this. Who knows, maybe it's some bored rich foreigners that wanted to see if they could do it? You'd like that Lasse, wouldn't you? If you find them, would you please let them know that they can donate some dinero to my paypal account because I really want to splurge on ebay.
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