Oh my word, I feel compelled to write a blog full of complaints. I have many. Well, two at least, but that's plenty enough.
1.) That damn blog I keep going to that always annoys me. It annoys me that it annoys me. It annoys me that I go to it in the first place. I can get annoyed by the content, but I even more so by the grammar and spelling. I'm oh so tempted to correct it all and put it as a comment. But I know that the keeper of the blog tracks her visitors so I can't do that. Give me the strength to overlook stupidity. Now, I know I do my fair share of grammatical errors and quite creative spelling at times, but not in my native language. Have you no pride, woman?! Rhetorical question, of course you don't. Part of why I don't like you very much. Am I a snob? I must be.
2.) Dogs. I just don't understand them. I don't understand why people like them. They're seriously smelly. They have to go outside all the time. They make a mess! They need to eat at regular hours or they whine. They jump on stuff. It's the whining I really can't stand. The whining and the smell. Yes, I get the irony, I'm whining about them, and honestly, I could probably stand to take a shower. Difference is I will take a shower whereas dogs don't care. They're fine with being dirty. They're that stupid. Have they no pride?! Rhetorical question, of course they don't. Part of why I don't like them very much. Am I a snob? I must be.
now i'm going to visit my blog and check to see if i'm annoying and have bad grammar. toodles!
No it's not yours! But I've told you that already. Do you want to date my avatar?
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